Published: Aug 30, 2024

The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Work-Life Balance on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Mediated by Job Satisfaction in PT. PLN (Persero) UP2D South and Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

1562-1571 Junan Mutamadra, Meiske Claudia

Ukraine - Russia, G20 Summit, and Indonesia's Presidency Challenge

1572-1580 Yonarisman Muhammad Akbar

The Influence of Workload on the Performance of Banjarmasin City Land Office Employees Through Motivational Mediation

1581-1590 Meiske Claudia, Achmad Rizal Al Amin

Analysis of Rahn and Murabahah Financing in Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil (BMT): Qualitative Study of Agricultural Businesses in Kanigoro, Blitar Regency, Indonesia

1591-1600 Saifudin Yusuf, Imam Nur Ngaini, Ulin Nuha

Analysis of the Study of the Impact of Reproductive Health on Young Women Who Perform Elopements (Menik) in the Gayo Community, Central Aceh Regency, Indonesia: A Phenomenological Study

1601-1609 Widya Apriani, Nova Ratna Dewi, Sri Wahyuni.MS

Utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots in Improving Public Services: A Meta-Analysis Study

1610-1618 Muhammad Ma’rup, Tobirin, Ali Rokhman

Analysis of the Role of Social Media in E-Government Implementation: A Meta-Analysis Study

1619-1629 Fikri Eka Aji Machmud, Tobirin Tobirin, Ali Rokhman

Juridical Analysis of Protection of the Rights of Indonesian Citizens & Ethnic Rohingya Refugees in Indonesia: A Meta-Analysis Based on Humanitarian and Security Aspects

1630-1638 Alyah Rezky Salsabila, Farrel Maulana Riyadi

Analysis of Studies on Legal Protection for Persons with Disabilities Through the Principle of Equality Before the Law Towards Equality in Legal Affairs: A Meta-Analysis

1639-1648 Anastasya Adityawati Nugroho, Raihanah Iffat Mahdiyah

Study of the Role of Productive Waqf in Improving Community Welfare: A Qualitative Study at Rohmatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School Ringinrejo, Kediri, Indonesia

1649-1658 Fefi Diniyati Sholihah, Wahidatun Nafiah Al-Farda, Lala Tri Wulandari

Analysis of the Role of Agile Governance in the Development of the Smart City Concept: A Qualitative Study of the Banyumas Regency Government, Indonesia

1659-1670 Sri Rotul Marfuah, Tobirin, Ali Rokhman, Muslih Faozanudin